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Secured Monster Energy USO at Yokosuka Friendship Day

Posted on August 7, 2016 | Last updated March 2, 2025

Yokosuka Friendship Day 2016
I attended the Yokosuka Friendship Day for the first time in two years! This time, there were even more energy drink enthusiasts than before, and it seems that many people gathered with the intention of getting energy drinks.

And the highlight this time was the Monster USO Can!

Author informationAuthor: Energy Drink-kun

In 2001, while living in the United States, I encountered energy drinks through the dance scene and was deeply impressed. After returning to Japan, I found that energy drinks were considered novelty beverages, so I established a comprehensive website in 2013 to share the true appeal of energy drinks. As an energy drink enthusiast, I began drinking them seriously again, collecting over 7,000 varieties of energy drinks from various countries. I am also active as a critic and expert, receiving media interviews.

I learned from my previous experience at Yokosuka Friendship Day, where I had to wait for hours under the scorching sun, so this time I made sure to leave early enough to arrive by just after 7 AM. However, there were already over 100 people in line... I’m sure many of them were also there for energy drinks.

I was prepared to wait for two and a half hours until the event opened at 10 AM, but for some reason, the line moved quickly around 9 AM, and I was able to pass through the baggage check and enter the base much earlier than expected. I couldn’t believe it (●´ω`●)

Yokosuka Friendship Day 2016
The item I was after was the Monster Energy USO Can. That’s it! It can only be bought at U.S. military-related locations, which is actually a good thing for those of us living in Japan. It wouldn’t be guaranteed to be available even if I went to the U.S., so I had planned to get it in Japan all along. And if I was lucky, I wanted to get the USO case as well, which is why I decided to take on the challenge of Yokosuka after two years.

When I got to the sales area, people were already lined up, eagerly waiting for the sale to start. Everyone was quick to act!

Yokosuka Friendship Day 2016
In this picture, there’s ice on top, but I confirmed that there was indeed the USO-spec Monster Energy original available. I was relieved to see that. I wasn’t sure where else I could find it if it wasn’t here...

When the sale began, for some reason, people rushed to buy only the USO cans. They must have done their research well! I didn’t even realize there was someone right nearby who was sharing information about the USO cans, and people kept buying them non-stop.

Yokosuka Friendship Day 2016
I was able to secure my own USO can, and by good luck, I also managed to get the limited-edition USO case. I had noticed some unfamiliar-colored cases stacked under the table, and it turned out they were the limited-edition ones!

From the previous Camp Zama opening, I had been aiming for the USO can, so I’m really glad I was able to secure it. By the way, I heard that although energy drinks were sold at the same time at Zama, the USO cans were not available. I can only say I was really lucky this time (*´ェ`*)

Now that I think about it, this Yokosuka opening was a bit quieter than usual, as there wasn’t much in the way of car-related events (´・ω・`)

Still, waiting for so long and securing the energy drinks I was after was pretty hard work. So unless there are special items like the USO can, I think I’ll hold off on attending base openings in the future Σ(´∀`;) Especially with U.S. military base events being held during the summer, the rising temperatures and increased risk of heatstroke seem to be getting more serious each year, so anyone planning to attend in the future should be extra cautious.