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Went to Yokota Air Base to buy American energy drinks

Posted on September 15, 2018 | Last updated February 11, 2025

Went to Yokota Air Base to buy American energy drinks
I went to the Yokota Air Base Japan-U.S. Friendship Festival, which was in the spotlight due to the announcement of the 2018 new Monster Energy release, to buy energy drinks!

Author informationAuthor: Energy Drink-kun

In 2001, while living in the United States, I encountered energy drinks through the dance scene and was deeply impressed. After returning to Japan, I found that energy drinks were considered novelty beverages, so I established a comprehensive website in 2013 to share the true appeal of energy drinks. As an energy drink enthusiast, I began drinking them seriously again, collecting over 7,000 varieties of energy drinks from various countries. I am also active as a critic and expert, receiving media interviews.

Off to Yokota Air Base for the First Time in the Rain!

I arrived at Ushihama Station, the nearest station to Yokota Air Base, a little while after the event opened. The forecast was for cloudy skies in the afternoon, but it’s pouring rain... (ヽ´ω`)

Went to Yokota Air Base to buy American energy drinks
I followed the crowd and made my way down a narrow path. I was planning to kill some time for about an hour somewhere, but when I got off at the station, there was nothing, so I had no choice but to follow the crowd (^_^;)

It was so narrow that we had to form a long line just to reach the entrance. The rain and the long queue really got to me...www

Went to Yokota Air Base to buy American energy drinks
After going through the security check, I kept moving forward.

Hot Topic: The Yokota Air Base Energy Drink Vending Machine

Went to Yokota Air Base to buy American energy drinks
The first thing that caught my eye was the Yokota Air Base vending machine, which had gone viral on social media and even appeared on news portal sites. This is amazing! How is this line even forming...?

Went to Yokota Air Base to buy American energy drinks
Overall, it looked like this as more people gathered around. By 11:00 a.m., there was an even longer line, and the rain had gotten heavier, so it looked tough... To those in the vending machine line, thank you for your hard work m(_ _)m

Went to Yokota Air Base to buy American energy drinks
The energy drinks lined up in the vending machine looked like this. Monster Energy is definitely dominating, and I guess that’s what’s most popular. In this situation, it wasn’t possible to buy from the vending machine, so I passed by and decided to enter what seemed like a hangar.

Went to Yokota Air Base to buy American energy drinks
The stage was further inside, and I saw people relaxing and eating on blankets on the floor.

Went to Yokota Air Base to buy American energy drinks
There was also a sales area here, but there wasn’t much of a crowd.

Let’s Go Further Inside

Went to Yokota Air Base to buy American energy drinks
When I stepped outside, I saw military aircraft.

Went to Yokota Air Base to buy American energy drinks
There were also food stalls.

Went to Yokota Air Base to buy American energy drinks
At one of the stalls, with hardly anyone around, I bought a Mango Roco for 300 yen. I checked the SKU and found that it was a new one I didn’t have, so I considered it a win!w

Went to Yokota Air Base to buy American energy drinks
After walking around, I returned to the hangar and noticed a Red Bull arch. Actually, this place was the most impressive.

Super Cheap Energy Drinks: Essentially Unlimited Tent

Went to Yokota Air Base to buy American energy drinks
When I went inside, I saw the same energy drinks that were sold for 300 yen in the vending machine, but they were stacked here as well. Plus, there were mega-sized CoD BO4 cans!

Went to Yokota Air Base to buy American energy drinks
In the back, there were piles of stock, and you could pick them up and check out at the register. Apparently, you could buy up to three cans per type. Prices were MAXX for 250 yen, 473ml for 300 yen, and the mega cans for 400 yen. I didn’t check the change when I paid, so I forgot how much I spent, but since I got 50 yen change after buying a MAXX, I’m pretty sure it was 250 yen per can. This is really cheap!

Went to Yokota Air Base to buy American energy drinks
This is how people lined up at the register, picking their favorite drinks. And look at that stock!! There was even more in a large truck, and they were continuously restocking. These drinks were selling like hotcakes... Monster was especially popular.

I mistakenly thought you could only buy up to three cans per person Σ(・∀・;), but since I didn’t have the MAXX Super Dry and MAXX Eclipse cans, I ended up picking up one of each of the three types of MAXX for 250 yen each. This is a bargain (●´ω`●)
As soon as I saw which cans I didn’t have, I grabbed them and was able to buy them without hesitation!

My first trip to Yokota Air Base ended with a Mango Roco and three MAXX cans—four cans in total!

There Were a Lot of People Doing Bulk Energy Drink Purchases

Yokota Air Base really made an impression on me with how many people were buying in bulk. I think there were even more than at Yokosuka. Maybe it was because they had announced that a large number of new Monster Energy drinks would be released.

I’ve never bought energy drinks at a base before, so I hadn’t written any base reports in my energy drink chronicles, but this time I was finally able to buy energy drinks, and I’m satisfied with being able to write an article about my first visit to Yokota Air Base! ((o(´∀`)o))

Although it was rainy, the autumn event was quite comfortable, and Yokota Air Base had a great selection of energy drinks. I’d recommend it!

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