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Went to the 2019 Yokosuka Friendship Day

Posted on July 18, 2019 | Last updated February 10, 2025

Went to the 2019 Yokosuka Friendship Day
The summer at Yokosuka Base is hell... I knew that, but since I had some free time, I decided to go anyway! Here's a report on the Yokosuka Friendship Day, where many people seem to think every year is the hottest one yet.

Author informationAuthor: Energy Drink-kun

In 2001, while living in the United States, I encountered energy drinks through the dance scene and was deeply impressed. After returning to Japan, I found that energy drinks were considered novelty beverages, so I established a comprehensive website in 2013 to share the true appeal of energy drinks. As an energy drink enthusiast, I began drinking them seriously again, collecting over 7,000 varieties of energy drinks from various countries. I am also active as a critic and expert, receiving media interviews.

Went to the 2019 Yokosuka Friendship Day
I decided to start by looking from the back, where the NEX tent is usually located.

Went to the 2019 Yokosuka Friendship Day
I may have arrived a bit late, so the selection is a bit small.

Went to the 2019 Yokosuka Friendship Day
A regular drink costs 350 yen, and there was a Mega Get Gear can, but it was 500 yen, which was too expensive, so I didn't buy it (^_^;)

Went to the 2019 Yokosuka Friendship Day
Further in, an Osprey was there. I took a photo for the memory and quickly headed indoors... I understand that the Osprey is impressive, but it was so hot that I wasn’t sure how I was going to handle it (ヽ´ω`)

To the Burger Shop in the Bowling Alley

I was recommended a burger shop inside the bowling alley at Yokosuka Base, so I headed there. When I saw the photos from when I ate there before, my hunger instantly kicked in, and my expectations grew ((o(´∀`)o))

Went to the 2019 Yokosuka Friendship Day
There was a line! When I finally got to the register, I found out that the burgers were sold out! They couldn't say when they’d be available again. It turns out that this was the reason why people who had been waiting left halfway through.

It became my main purpose to eat a burger, but (;´∀`) What a disappointment.

What about the Energy Drinks?

Went to the 2019 Yokosuka Friendship Day
Since my excitement was taken away as soon as I arrived, I decided to check out the energy drinks sold at the tents.

Went to the 2019 Yokosuka Friendship Day
Mango Loco is probably popular because of its appearance. It's not only impactful visually, but also tastes just as good, and I think it's a really well-made product. Pipeline Punch is also extremely delicious, and it’s starting to sell out at stores in Japan. But, wait a minute... this isn’t a knowledgeable tent, is it!?www

Went to the 2019 Yokosuka Friendship Day
Even bang, which seems hard to find for the people at the base, had people packing it into their bags. At 400 yen, is it a fair price?

Went to the 2019 Yokosuka Friendship Day
The reactions were incrediblewww Everywhere you went, people were shouting "Monster!! Monster!!" The popularity of energy drinks is amazing. Many people were carrying them back in carts as well.

Went to the 2019 Yokosuka Friendship Day
I didn’t have anything in particular that I wanted, but since I was at Yokosuka Base, I figured I should at least take a photo. So, I grabbed a Rehab Lemonade. Not sure what the kokeshi doll was about though.

Grass Area

Went to the 2019 Yokosuka Friendship Day
The shaded area was surprisingly comfortable.

Went to the 2019 Yokosuka Friendship Day
I bought nachos, which didn’t make up for the missing burger, and had them with the Rehab Lemonade as a light snack. It didn’t really fill me up (^_^;)
I’m not sure if I’ll come back next year, but considering the heat, it’s a tough decision. If I do, I’ll make sure to get a burger revenge.

Went to the 2019 Yokosuka Friendship Day
Since I sweated so much, I ended up adding a beer. Summer in Yokosuka really calls for beer. The mini-size was so easy to drink down in one go. When will the Mega Bud be available!?

I feel like every year the heat gets worse, but I hope to enjoy the base open day while being careful of heatstroke.