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GoPro Energy Drink #STOKED

Posted on April 2, 2014 | Last updated February 16, 2025

GoPro Energy Drink

This is the GoPro energy drink, #STOKED, which has appeared on Japanese Twitter recently.
It’s an energy drink that, for the first time in a while, made me seriously want to try it. Amazing!

What is GoPro?

GoPro is a brand of small cameras that are used in active scenes such as attaching them to helmets, holding them by hand, or attaching them to bikes. They are shock-resistant, waterproof, and compact, which allows for filming things that were previously impossible. For example, it lets you capture footage from a surfer’s perspective or the speed and impact of cross bikes in a realistic way. It’s not an exaggeration to say that GoPro made it possible to experience the kind of immersive footage that feels like you’re living it. Nowadays, GoPro can even shoot 4K footage.

The GoPro Energy Drink Promo Video is Too Amazing

And the #STOKED promotional video is of incredibly high quality, it truly captures the essence of what an energy drink is all about, and it’s been getting great reviews. The video instantly conveys the image of energy drinks backing up active individuals who thrive in harsh environments.

What struck me particularly from watching the GoPro video was the collaboration of the natural world, humans, and the energy drink. Major energy drink brands like Red Bull and Monster seem to focus on both performance and visual beauty in their videos, but GoPro, given its original product feature of capturing the “world that couldn’t be filmed before,” further enhances the appeal of the GoPro energy drink.

Seeing small humans face and enjoy such grand and beautiful nature resonates with many people. You can’t help but think, "Wow, that’s amazing and cool." The energy drink supports that activity, and that’s what I think makes the world’s leading brands continue to expand.

If GoPro Released an Energy Drink, It Would Definitely Sell

Every piece of footage shot with a GoPro is outstanding, and the brand has firmly established its place in the outdoor and extreme sports industries. While it might not be able to directly compete with the world’s largest energy drink brands, I think if they released an energy drink, it would make a strong entrance. That’s how important the world and background behind an energy drink are.

Here in Japan, there’s been a strong trend of releasing drinks labeled "energy" for 200 or 300 yen, but many of these don’t seem to have a clear target. Products made with just the momentum of “look what we made!” won’t have much success. This is why Red Bull, which shares a clear worldview with its users, is so strong that no other products can compete with it.

Oh, by the way, as you might have guessed from reading this far, GoPro’s energy drink is actually an April Fools’ joke, and it won’t be released for real (;・∀・)
But it would be great if it did come out!

≪OLD Sparkling Yunker is amazing in many ways Expired energy drinks NEW≫

Author informationAuthor: Energy Drink-kun

In 2001, while living in the United States, I encountered energy drinks through the dance scene and was deeply impressed. After returning to Japan, I found that energy drinks were considered novelty beverages, so I established a comprehensive website in 2013 to share the true appeal of energy drinks. As an energy drink enthusiast, I began drinking them seriously again, collecting over 7,000 varieties of energy drinks from various countries. I am also active as a critic and expert, receiving media interviews.