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About Twitter's Twit-Pack Bot

Posted on May 27, 2014 | Last updated February 16, 2025

Energy Drink-kun's Tweets Stolen by a Bot

There’s a bot (@bot93979510) that steals all of Energy Drink-kun's tweets and tweets them randomly after downloading them or whatever it does. I've reported it as spam to Twitter, and thankfully, some of my followers who are close to me have also blocked and reported it as spam, but the bot's activity still hasn't stopped.
What even is spam reporting... (ヽ´ω`)
RamenWalker’s account was also stolen by another bot from a different series, and I let them know, but I doubt that will stop anytime soon either.

The same person seems to be operating about 80 accounts at once, and each tweet gets around 80 RTs, so the number of tweets on my old review articles has increased drastically and unnaturally. I really dislike this. People should tweet things they genuinely like, not this fake promotion. It doesn't even serve as advertising, so it's just annoying. Not to mention, it’s all stolen tweets with no permission.

Malicious Bot Steals Photos Too

I’d be more okay with a bot that just collects and shares funny tweets from across accounts. But what really frustrates me is that this bot steals every single one of Energy Drink-kun’s tweets, including the images, and mixes them up to tweet. I’ve reported each tweet with images as spam, but nothing has happened.

I’ve even seen articles claiming that stealing others' tweets on Twitter is “okay,” which shocked me. So lately, I’ve been putting copyright marks on my photos and tweeting them with Energy Drink-kun’s name on them. It’s a bit messy, but it’s all because of these trash bots.

The Bot Steals and Follows All of Energy Drink-kun’s Followers

What’s stupid is that the bot is probably following all of Energy Drink-kun’s followers. A few people, unaware, followed back, and then I noticed the bot had followed hundreds of my followers. It’s amusing to see it stealing tweets and then tweeting them to the same followers, almost like it's mocking the situation.

It removes the @ to make sure no one knows the bot’s tweets are coming from it, which makes it even worse. Plus, it RTs each tweet to a group of bots, so it’s totally worthless for users. Since it's just copying Energy Drink-kun's tweets, it has no value at all. In fact, it’s harmful and just a net negative. I really hope Twitter deletes all these accounts that waste resources.

I'd Tolerate a Summary RT Account, But This Is Unacceptable

The worst part of this situation is that the bot not only stole the tweets, but didn’t even credit the original source. It removes the @ to hide the fact, and steals the images as well.

However, I think a bot that just collects and shares funny tweets via RT, as long as it’s clear it’s an RT and credits the source, is fine. The @ would show the original source, and people could follow that source if they liked the tweet. It could even bring more people to the blog or website, increasing its value. The bot would actually serve a purpose, like those summary sites that collect interesting content.

So, this trash bot is unacceptable at any level because it offers no value at all.

≪OLD A stroll around the world exploring energy drinks I've tweaked the site a bit for the future. NEW≫

Author informationAuthor: Energy Drink-kun

In 2001, while living in the United States, I encountered energy drinks through the dance scene and was deeply impressed. After returning to Japan, I found that energy drinks were considered novelty beverages, so I established a comprehensive website in 2013 to share the true appeal of energy drinks. As an energy drink enthusiast, I began drinking them seriously again, collecting over 7,000 varieties of energy drinks from various countries. I am also active as a critic and expert, receiving media interviews.