Renewal of caffeine comparison & aiming for rich site
Made It More Visually Appealing
Previously, the product images were small and just lined up vertically, making it hard to see the amount of each ingredient or which energy drink you were looking at.
This time, I made the product images about three times bigger and made the caffeine content more prominent with larger text for easier readability. Since I intentionally didn’t create a mobile site, I also removed the sidebar and made it a bit easier to view from a smartphone. It now looks like an album with everything lined up nicely.
When I start working on these things, I tend to get obsessive. I’ve been tweaking it nonstop. I rounded the corners of each energy drink box, and also rounded the corners of the product images while I was at it!
Want to Continue Enhancing the Rich Content
I really love energy drinks, and I tend to get obsessive, so I want every page of this site to feel rich and detailed ((o(´∀`)o))! I think the people who visit Energy Drink Mania like their energy drinks to be rich too, right?w So, I’m going to take this site even deeper.
As for the caffeine rankings, once it hits around 300 types, maybe I’ll review it again? But for now, it might just keep growing without much more to do. Still, I think this caffeine ranking is becoming quite a valuable piece of content, and I’d love to create more useful, overwhelming content like this and leave it on the site.
Information Is a Shared Asset
First of all, let me say this: plagiarism is a crime!w I’ve noticed some bot accounts copying my tweets with images, and I’m worried they might be copied on other blogs as well, so I’m a bit sensitive about this. Information should be shared, but copying is a no-go.
Speaking of information, many years ago, back in the days of the old-school homepage websites, only a few individuals were creating deep, specialized sites filled with valuable info. Now, companies are actively making specialized sites too, but the unique, nerdy, and collector-like information that individual creators would gather and present on their sites was incredibly valuable. It wasn’t just about the content, but also the personal touch of the site’s creator.
I’m not saying there are fewer of these sites nowadays, but the reality is that many of them disappeared after 10 years. Many old free hosting services (like infoseek, tripod) shut down, and when they did, the data was lost. If you switched providers, your website’s address would change, and that would be the end of it. Much of the information from those days has already been lost over the years.
However, I believe that valuable information will always exist, and even if the creator stops maintaining the site, the information itself is still worth something. The lived experiences of true enthusiasts reflected in these niche sites carry a different level of added value compared to the latest, corporate-driven info.
Even if that rare, passionate information disappears, it doesn’t make life any more inconvenient. But that doesn’t mean it’s not still valuable.
That’s why Energy Drink Mania wants to go back to its roots and aim to be a site created by true enthusiasts with the personal touch of the creator showing through.
...Yeah, I guess it’s just for my own satisfaction!w
≪OLD I've tweaked the site a bit for the future. | I was able to buy the Red Bull Blue Edition the day before it was released. NEW≫ |
Author: Energy Drink-kun
In 2001, while living in the United States, I encountered energy drinks through the dance scene and was deeply impressed. After returning to Japan, I found that energy drinks were considered novelty beverages, so I established a comprehensive website in 2013 to share the true appeal of energy drinks. As an energy drink enthusiast, I began drinking them seriously again, collecting over 7,000 varieties of energy drinks from various countries. I am also active as a critic and expert, receiving media interviews.