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I was able to buy the Red Bull Blue Edition the day before it was released.

Posted on June 10, 2014 | Last updated February 16, 2025

Flavor of Energy Drinks Can Be Pre-Ordered Now

Red Bull Blue Edition
When I was looking at my Twitter timeline, I saw someone who had already bought the Red Bull Blue Edition, which was set to be released the next day! So I decided to check a nearby convenience store, and I found it already neatly displayed at 7-Eleven. Energy-Drink-kun was able to purchase it the day before the official release too (´∀`*)!

Normally, I wouldn’t even think about getting something the day before its release, but since it’s Red Bull, I figured it’s better to get it early if I can. I was able to write my review the day before, and I got some reactions on Twitter, so I’m glad about that.

Flavor of Today, Release Day: Seems Like It's Selling Fast

Since I already bought mine yesterday, I was casually browsing the TL, and as expected, on the actual release day of Red Bull Blue Edition, the reactions were flowing at lightning speed. It’s amazing! The timeline for energy drinks usually moves fast, but with Blue Edition, the speed seemed to multiply several times over.

According to my followers, there were already sold-out stores in student areas. If you go a bit further, you can still get it, but it looks like it’s really popular among students. Apparently, they’re even handing out samples of the new Blue Edition. I’m super jealous...

Flavor of Red Bull's Immense Influence

I see a lot of energy drink-related tweets, but the number of tweets for Blue Edition is far beyond any other new product releases. It's overwhelmingly high. The energy drink buzz on Twitter alone is probably making the POS registers at each convenience store in Japan go crazy with the price of 206 yen being entered repeatedly. "Why is 206 yen showing up so much today?" they must be wondering.

Flavor of the Blue Edition Launch—Is It Part of the Plan?

Looking at the trends this year, it almost feels like all the energy drinks that have come out were just opening acts leading up to the release of Red Bull Blue Edition. The rush of new products has definitely increased the recognition of energy drinks.

If Red Bull planned this all out, then they are truly marketing gods.ヽ(´ー`)ノ
...But then again, it's totally possible. They're the world's largest energy drink company and also a marketing powerhouse.

With so many energy drinks flooding the market, I really hope the Edition series becomes a regular thing ((o(´∀`)o))

≪OLD Renewal of caffeine comparison & aiming for rich site The site seems to be slowly taking root. NEW≫

Author informationAuthor: Energy Drink-kun

In 2001, while living in the United States, I encountered energy drinks through the dance scene and was deeply impressed. After returning to Japan, I found that energy drinks were considered novelty beverages, so I established a comprehensive website in 2013 to share the true appeal of energy drinks. As an energy drink enthusiast, I began drinking them seriously again, collecting over 7,000 varieties of energy drinks from various countries. I am also active as a critic and expert, receiving media interviews.