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Back to LA for the first time in a while

Posted on August 10, 2014 | Last updated February 16, 2025

I was worried I wouldn't be able to get a seat during the summer vacation season, but I managed to book two Delta flights to LA! So, I'll be going to LA at the end of the month after quite some time v(´∀`*v)

The last time I was in LA, I can't even remember when it was, but I stayed for several weeks to participate in a big breakdancing battle, like Undadog or Trickonometry. Sorry if this doesn't make sense to anyone but BBOYs, but at that time, there were groups like Circus Runaways and KuncleHeadzCALI, and Spee-D from Florida moved to LA, making LA an exciting place with new vibes. It was an interesting time, and I was there for a short stay because I wanted to battle or cypher with them.

I stayed with a friend who was sharing an apartment at the time. The place was full of cockroaches walking around everywhere – in the rooms, in the bathroom, everywhere. It wasn't that you'd find one coming out here and there, they were just walking around in plain sight – quite a nightmare (-_-;) I thought I stayed for just a week, but now I realize I stayed for several weeks... I also participated in a Sean Paul music video audition, among other things. In the end, I couldn't compete in the battle and ended up heading back to San Francisco...

I don't have the best memories of LA (-_-;), so this time, I'm going to recheck all the classic tourist spots! I’ve already visited nearly all the popular places and shops, but this time, I want to enjoy LA more like a visitor. I got a hotel in the city center, and since I'll finally have some time off, I’m planning to play non-stop and have no time to sleep ((o(´∀`)o))

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Author informationAuthor: Energy Drink-kun

In 2001, while living in the United States, I encountered energy drinks through the dance scene and was deeply impressed. After returning to Japan, I found that energy drinks were considered novelty beverages, so I established a comprehensive website in 2013 to share the true appeal of energy drinks. As an energy drink enthusiast, I began drinking them seriously again, collecting over 7,000 varieties of energy drinks from various countries. I am also active as a critic and expert, receiving media interviews.