2015 Archive
A look back at energy drinks in 2015
2015 is almost over. As an Energy Drink Maniac, there's still the hashtag campaign left at the end of the year, but I thi
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Summary of the Monster Energy gear controversy for the first 30,000 people in 2015
There was a big chaos when the 10,000 limited gear application for 2014 happened and the Monster Energy fa
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Increased access and more information on the world of enthusiasts
In 2015, with the release o
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Monster Energy x SATANIC CARNIVAL ticket winner
I won a pair of tickets for the SATANIC CARNIVAL and a set of original goods by purchasing Monster at FamilyMart and apply
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Red Bull Summer Edition on Line News
On July 7th, Red Bull Summer Edition was released in Japan for a limited time, and many websites announced the press release. At Energy Drink Mania, we were able to update the news right away (●´ω`
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Will energy drinks be banned in Japan? Will coffee help you stay healthy?
Energy Drink Caffeine News Gains Momentum
Recently, news articles were shared on various news sites in Japan, discussing the potential ban of energy drinks in Japan, alongside news of a d
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I bought a Red Bull Air Race can
Case Buying Frenzy!?
In 2015, as the Red Bull Air Race was going to be held in Japan, a commemorative can
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Energy drinks' benefits and bad reputation are two sides of the same coin
Most of the news related to energy drinks tends to focus on death incidents or dangers, with little to no good news. The conclusion in most of these negative news reports is often that the "exact c
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A story about a can arriving from overseas that was all dented
Energy Drinks Delivered from Overseas Arrived in a Horrible Condition
Recently, a package containing rare cans only arrived, re-packaged by the international postal office. The moment I h
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Energy Drink Mania 2015
Looking Back on 2014 for Energy Drink Mania
Worked Hard on Expanding the Site
This year, without a doubt, was a year where I continued to expand the site’s content without a bre
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