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Energy Drink Mania 2015

Posted on January 1, 2015 | Last updated February 16, 2025

Looking Back on 2014 for Energy Drink Mania

Worked Hard on Expanding the Site

This year, without a doubt, was a year where I continued to expand the site’s content without a break, maintaining the momentum from late 2013. Thanks to that, I feel that the recognition of the site has steadily increased.

Energy drinks have both supporters and detractors, and it’s quite difficult for them to become as popular in Japan as they are in Europe and the US—and I feel that there isn’t much hope for that in the future. However, I still aim to create a genuine site that people who love energy drinks can enjoy.

Started Collecting Energy Drinks from Around the World

Thanks to various connections, I’ve started to review energy drinks from Europe little by little. From October to mid-December, I was so busy that I wasn’t able to update the site much, and this is the reason why.

If I was going to do this, I thought it would be great to have information on energy drinks from around the world. I initially thought it would be difficult to reach that level, but as it turned out, I managed to review a considerable number of major energy drinks from around the world ( ゚д゚)ハッ!

Between October and November, the number of transactions I made included 3 from Germany, 2 from Spain, 2 from Italy, 3 from Austria, 4 from the US, 4 from Sweden, 2 from the Czech Republic, 2 from Hungary, and 1 from France. There are nearly 200 different energy drinks, ranging from major European brands to ultra-rare discontinued ones from the US.

Writing reviews takes quite a bit of time, so in 2015, I plan to go at a slower pace, drinking through the stock I have and continuing with the reviews.

Energy Drink Mania on Twitter Saw a Rapid Increase in Followers

It was so rewarding to hear more people say they got hooked on energy drinks after learning about Energy Drink Mania (´∀`*). Since the latter half of 2014, many people who had been tweeting normally started creating dedicated energy drink accounts and engaging more deeply with tweets, and it’s been great to see how passionate they’ve become. Twitter has become even more fun ((o(´∀`)o)).

The site’s redesign was also successfully completed within 2014, and even though I didn’t officially announce it, many people responded by saying it’s easier to navigate, and I’m really happy to hear that. With the increasing number of reviews, things got a bit hectic, but the support from my followers on Twitter, with their RTs, favorites, and replies, has been such a motivator. I’ll carry this momentum into 2015.

Energy Drink Mania in 2015

First and foremost, I’ll continue to review the major energy drinks from around the world at a steady pace. If I can manage to keep a rhythm of posting once every three to four days, I’ll be happy with that.

Additionally, I’ll be adding interesting content related to energy drink brands. I plan to write about things like can designs, the background behind products, and their history. These are topics that are mostly known only among collectors, and there’s not much organized information about them available globally.

That being said, I still want to keep the site focused on energy drinks, and if I’m going to add this content, I’ve said it before, but I won’t include second- or third-hand information like “I heard this” or “I saw this online.” I’ll write articles based on actual items I have in my possession and explain them in detail. This is a point I’m particularly committed to.

Lately, I’ve been coming across blogs that post incorrect information about energy drinks, and I want to make sure that doesn’t happen with my site. For example, if someone writes that “there are 6 types of the Rehab series,” I’ll ensure I have every single type on hand and write a detailed review about it. I also plan to include details on the old and new designs whenever possible.

So, in 2015, I aim to add about 200 articles that explain the world of energy drinks, in addition to the reviews.

≪OLD Recent energy drinks A story about a can arriving from overseas that was all dented NEW≫

Author informationAuthor: Energy Drink-kun

In 2001, while living in the United States, I encountered energy drinks through the dance scene and was deeply impressed. After returning to Japan, I found that energy drinks were considered novelty beverages, so I established a comprehensive website in 2013 to share the true appeal of energy drinks. As an energy drink enthusiast, I began drinking them seriously again, collecting over 7,000 varieties of energy drinks from various countries. I am also active as a critic and expert, receiving media interviews.