I got the Red Bull Spring Edition!
I bought the Japan-exclusive Red Bull Spring Edition, which was released on February 16! I already won two cans through Red Bull Friends and have reviewed it, so I’m sure many energy drink enthusiasts have already tried it as well. There are mixed opinions, but since it’s a hassle to buy in small quantities, I decided to buy it in bulk (●´ω`●)
Review of the Red Bull Spring Edition here
Some stores had already taken the cans out of the box even though only one box had arrived, so I couldn’t buy them there. I visited a few stores and managed to secure 4 boxes.
Generally, around my area, there was only one box per store, and at most two boxes at a few places. Some stores offered to order more if needed, so I think they’d place an order if they ran out.
The two stores that usually have a larger stock of Summer Editions or Muroya can also received 2 boxes of the Spring Edition, but both had a lot of Summer Edition cans still available. In fact, one of the most conveniently located stores had 2 extra boxes of Summer Edition in stock, aside from what was on display.
It seems like the Spring Edition’s stock might have been limited. Last time, I believe 4 boxes arrived on the first day... So, it makes sense they are holding back this time if there’s still so much leftover stock.
Also, unlike the Summer Edition, I didn’t see any big displays for the Spring Edition. Maybe it’s because it’s still too cold, and it’s not really spring yet... If they were to run a large-scale campaign in mid-March around cherry blossom season, like buy one and get another one free, that would be fun. The momentum for the Summer Edition was huge!
After visiting various stores today, I realized that the pink color really stands out in stores, so even if the taste isn’t amazing, I think many people will still buy it just because it looks good. I’m curious to see if Twitter will be flooded with pink cans soon (*´ェ`*)
≪OLD A look back at energy drinks in 2015 | I bought a commemorative can for the Red Bull Air Race 2016! NEW≫ |
Author: Energy Drink-kun
In 2001, while living in the United States, I encountered energy drinks through the dance scene and was deeply impressed. After returning to Japan, I found that energy drinks were considered novelty beverages, so I established a comprehensive website in 2013 to share the true appeal of energy drinks. As an energy drink enthusiast, I began drinking them seriously again, collecting over 7,000 varieties of energy drinks from various countries. I am also active as a critic and expert, receiving media interviews.