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I bought a commemorative can for the Red Bull Air Race 2016!

Posted on April 5, 2016 | Last updated February 16, 2025

Bought the Red Bull Air Race 2016 commemorative can!
It’s becoming a bit of a tradition... Σ(´∀`;)
The Red Bull Air Race 2016 commemorative can, which will be held in Japan this year, has been released, so I went ahead and bought it right away!

The design this time is the same as the 2015 UK Air Race, so there’s nothing particularly new about it, but as an energy drink enthusiast, I really wanted to secure this commemorative can ((o(´∀`)o))

Once again, Lawson is running a campaign to commemorate the Air Race 2016, so I definitely recommend joining in.
⇒ Details on the Red Bull Air Race 2016 x Lawson Campaign

Purchased 4 cases!

This time, I bought 4 cases, each containing 24 cans.
I usually don’t use loyalty cards, so I haven’t been carrying them around lately, but when I bought the Spring Edition last time, I realized it would be a waste not to use them (I realized this too late). So, I borrowed a Ponta card from a family member and got some points as a gift! (laughs)

Although it was only about 250 points for the 4 cases (^_^;)

Get a limited edition Red Bull Air Race 2016 sticker while supplies last

Bought the Red Bull Air Race 2016 commemorative can!
At Lawson stores, there are 2 types of stickers, 10 of each, available. You can get 1 sticker for each Red Bull Air Race 2016 commemorative can you buy.

However, since only 20 stickers are available at each Lawson store, buying 1 case (which contains 4 cans) would leave you short on stickers. Since I bought a case of 24 cans, I was short by 16 stickers.

Additionally, since each store only received 1 case, the stock sold out immediately. I’m sure there will be a restock, but the initial shipment was way too small. I felt the same way during the Spring Edition, and it seems that they’ve become more cautious since the Summer Edition.

I wonder how the people working at convenience stores feel about this??

Looks like I won’t win the lottery campaign again... (ヽ´ω`)

By the way, when I bought the Air Race 2015 commemorative cans, I also bought 4 cases.
I immediately entered the Lawson campaign for the Air Race, but unfortunately, I didn’t win (ヽ´ω`)

Maybe it was because I entered on the release day... I don’t think many people enter all at once like I did, so my chances of winning were probably pretty low. Let’s see how it goes this time...

Won a JTB Travel Voucher!

The day after buying the Air Race cans, I immediately entered the lottery, but out of 50 entries, I didn’t win any...

Some people who bought just a few cans won, which made me realize how unlucky I am, but after a few weeks, I tried again... and won a JTB Travel Voucher on the first try! It was the first time I’ve ever won in the Air Race lottery(´;ω;`)

If I had bought over 100 cans and still didn’t win, I would have been so disappointed I wouldn’t know what to say, so I’m glad I won at least one this time (*´ェ`*)

By the way, you have to register your address during the campaign period, or your prize will be discarded. So, if you win, make sure to register your address as soon as possible.

≪OLD I got the Red Bull Spring Edition! The website has been renewed! NEW≫

Author informationAuthor: Energy Drink-kun

In 2001, while living in the United States, I encountered energy drinks through the dance scene and was deeply impressed. After returning to Japan, I found that energy drinks were considered novelty beverages, so I established a comprehensive website in 2013 to share the true appeal of energy drinks. As an energy drink enthusiast, I began drinking them seriously again, collecting over 7,000 varieties of energy drinks from various countries. I am also active as a critic and expert, receiving media interviews.