2019 Archive
With the Google algorithm update in September, 80% of the ranking has been restored.
Since March, there had been strange signs, and with the June Google algorithm update, Energy Drink Mania’s domain was completely destroyed. From here, I’ve continued to brush up on the content dail
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The ranking dropped due to Google's June core algorithm update.
This is not related to energy drinks, but it's about site management, so it might sound a bit unclear... (;´∀`)
Google Search Ranking
On June 4, 2019, Google updated its core algo
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I witnessed that "people don't look at the content when retweeting."
When retweeting, people generally don't read the content of the tweet carefully, and if there is a link, they don't even bother clicking on it, retweeting impulsively instead.
This is somet
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The report on the spring open event at Yokota Air Base appeared as a Google recommendation
The article about the "Yokota Air Base Sakura Matsuri 2019 (Spring Festival)" that I visited recently appea
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Draft review published and minor energy drink reviews added
Recently, I've been doing my best to revise and add to past reviews every day. Whenever I drink a product with a changed package, I usually do this task. For items that have undergone significant d
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