Adding energy drink reviews at a pace of 1-2 per day
Recently, I’ve been publishing energy drink reviews at a pace of 1-2 per day, and when I have more time, I’ve been doing 3 or 4 reviews a day.
My goal for the end of 2020 is to publish as many energy drink reviews as I can, as quickly as possible.
— エナジー・ドリン君エナジードリンクマニア (@energydrinkun) October 19, 2020
I reached 600 reviews on October 19. By the time of this tweet, I had added 2 more reviews, bringing the total to 602.
As of November 9, I’ve published 629 reviews. In 22 days, I managed to review 29 drinks. There were some days I couldn’t review anything, so considering that, I think the pace is pretty good.
I had written in my blog earlier this year that I hoped to publish 700 reviews in 2020, and now it feels like I can actually achieve that by the end of the year. If I had started reviewing every day from the beginning of the year, reaching 1000 reviews would have been easy, but of course, it’s not that simple Σ(´∀`;).
Especially now, with the effects of GoTo Travel, I’ve been able to enjoy hotel stays in Tokyo at a better price, so I tend to be away from home more often. That’s why there are days when I do 3-4 reviews in one day. So, with about 50 days left in the year, I’m still aiming for my goal of 700 reviews. At the time I’m writing this blog, I still have 71 reviews left to go. It’s a bit tough.
Because of the fast pace of publishing and mainly reviewing lesser-known brands from various countries that most people aren’t particularly interested in—such as Red Bull, Monster, Rockstar, and other mainstream brands—I’ve stopped tweeting about reviews after publishing. Even if I post an update, there are only a few people interested in those more obscure brands, so I figured it wasn’t worth it. Plus, I don’t even look at Twitter much anymore, and energy drink-related tweets seem to be getting fewer and fewer. It doesn’t have the same energy it used to have.
For now, I still have about 300 energy drink reviews waiting to be written from both domestic and international brands, so my plan is to keep adding them and gradually strengthen the site.
≪OLD Energy Drink Mania's Goals for 2020 | Stay-at-home New Year's Holidays and Energy Drink Reviews NEW≫ |
Author: Energy Drink-kun
In 2001, while living in the United States, I encountered energy drinks through the dance scene and was deeply impressed. After returning to Japan, I found that energy drinks were considered novelty beverages, so I established a comprehensive website in 2013 to share the true appeal of energy drinks. As an energy drink enthusiast, I began drinking them seriously again, collecting over 7,000 varieties of energy drinks from various countries. I am also active as a critic and expert, receiving media interviews.