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Tigers Energy

Posted on May 16, 2015 | Last updated February 13, 2025

Tigers Energy
This is the official energy drink of the Hanshin Tigers, the Tigers Energy.
It is the same product as Carp Energy.

Tigers Energy

ManufacturerWest marketing Japan
Country of OriginJapan
Price200 円
Flavorclassic flavor
Total rating★★☆☆☆

Author informationAuthor: Energy Drink-kun

In 2001, while living in the United States, I encountered energy drinks through the dance scene and was deeply impressed. After returning to Japan, I found that energy drinks were considered novelty beverages, so I established a comprehensive website in 2013 to share the true appeal of energy drinks. As an energy drink enthusiast, I began drinking them seriously again, collecting over 7,000 varieties of energy drinks from various countries. I am also active as a critic and expert, receiving media interviews.

Flavor of Tigers Energy

The official energy drink of the Tigers, Tigers Energy, is the same as Carp Energy.

Tigers Energy
The scent itself is not particularly distinctive, and it has a straightforward, classic flavor. The color is also about the same intensity as Red Bull, making it easy to recognize.
As for the taste, it’s also a classic, straightforward flavor with no distinctiveness. It’s really neutral, and if you like the typical energy drink flavor, you’ll find it easy to drink.
On the other hand, it’s so ordinary that it has no standout features.

When creating energy drinks of this kind, there’s usually some attempt to add a unique feature, but this one has none. Personally, though, considering that it’s easy for anyone to drink and instantly recognizable as an energy drink, I think the overall quality is high.

If you're drinking it while supporting the Tigers during a game, it’s fine, but if you’re considering paying 200 yen for it just for casual drinking, I wouldn’t buy it.
There’s no particular reason to buy Tigers Energy. That being said, there are almost no flaws in the taste or scent, so if it were 100 yen, I’d probably buy it.

Energy Ingredients of Tigers Energy

It seems to contain caffeine, but it’s not listed. It has 300mg of arginine, but there are no other notable energy ingredients.
It’s exactly the same as Juggler Energy. I was hoping for a bit more variation (-_-;)

Tigers Energy
By the way, Carp Energy is made by the same company.

Wanted More of the Tigers’ Unique Features

The flavor is easy to drink, which is great, but when asked what makes it unique to the Tigers, nothing comes to mind.
It feels a bit lacking when they just change the packaging and sell it with the same contents as Carp Energy and Juggler.

Tigers Energy
Since they’ve even put the Tigers’ official mark on it, if they’d included a taste or effect that made fans feel the Tigers’ spirit, it could have been a more attractive energy drink.
This is the only disappointing part. (´・ω・`)

Tigers Energy
Well, the pull tab is just normal. If it were gold, that would have added some fun. Sadly, no.

Energy Drink-kun's Personal Rating


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