Released on March 11, 2024, this is the long-awaited new product after about two years. It is the fitness-oriented energy drink from the Matsukiyo Energy Drink series, EX STRONG FITNESS ENERGY GRAPE.
This time, the FITNESS ENERGY series is designed to meet the growing demand for fitness-focused energy drinks in the U.S. It appears that this product is inspired by the rapidly growing fitness energy drink market, possibly referencing the CELSIUS series, which has often been mentioned by energy drink enthusiasts over the past few years.
Now, let's dive into the review.
Manufacturer | MatsukiyoCocokara |
Country of Origin | Japan |
Price | 149 円 |
Flavor | Grape |
Total rating | ★★★☆☆ |
Author: Energy Drink-kun
In 2001, while living in the United States, I encountered energy drinks through the dance scene and was deeply impressed. After returning to Japan, I found that energy drinks were considered novelty beverages, so I established a comprehensive website in 2013 to share the true appeal of energy drinks. As an energy drink enthusiast, I began drinking them seriously again, collecting over 7,000 varieties of energy drinks from various countries. I am also active as a critic and expert, receiving media interviews.
Flavor of Matsukiyo Energy Drink EX STRONG FITNESS ENERGY GRAPE
When opened, a juicy muscat grape-like fragrance bursts out. It doesn’t have a strong artificial scent, and it has a realistic aroma that makes you feel like you’re smelling the flesh of real muscat grapes, which is promising.
When you take a sip, the carbonation wraps you in the muscat grape fragrance, and the pleasant sweetness and acidity of the muscat grape flavor spread. The strong fragrance is dispersed by the carbonation while drinking, making the drink feel satisfying, which is impressive for a zero-sugar product.
There is a slight aftertaste of artificial sweetener’s off-flavor, but those who are not bothered by it may forget it's sugar-free because of the satisfying taste. Even people who are sensitive to the off-flavor of artificial sweeteners (like myself) will likely enjoy the drink to the end due to the strong muscat grape impact.
The FITNESS ENERGY series also released a peach flavor at the same time, but the grape flavor is definitely more refined.
Energy Ingredients of Matsukiyo Energy Drink EX STRONG FITNESS ENERGY GRAPE
Contains 100mg of caffeine, 140mg of Garcinia, 30mg of valine, 60mg of leucine, 30mg of isoleucine, 500mg of arginine, 500mg of citrulline, and 100mg of carnitine.
Looking at the energy ingredients, it’s clear that this product is rich in amino acids designed for fitness. The product contains 1% fruit juice, including peach juice.
Design of Matsukiyo Energy Drink EX STRONG FITNESS ENERGY GRAPE
A clean design with white cans and bold black and purple accents. The look evokes a sports drink image that feels fresh and refreshing, in line with its contents.
At the bottom of the can, it says "Sports Drink." However, considering the look, volume, and relatively high price, most people are likely to recognize it as an energy drink rather than a sports drink.
The back also has the English label "ENERGY DRINK."
Interestingly, the ingredients list, including Garcinia and Guarana, is written in English. Why in English!?
Two fitness-focused flavors of Matsukiyo Energy Drink have been released this time.
According to the press release, the product was inspired by the rapidly growing fitness energy drink market in the U.S. From the clean white design, it’s easy to imagine that it could have been influenced by the CELSIUS series, which has grown into one of America’s top 3 brands.
Energy Drink-kun's Personal Rating
- Flavor
- Aroma
- Weight
- Freshness
- Munchiness
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