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2019 America Red Bull New Summer, Peach, and Pier Editions

Posted on January 30, 2019 | Last updated February 19, 2025

2019 America Red Bull New Releases: Summer, Peach, and Pear Edition
In early 2019, two new Red Bull flavors were released in America, along with the usual Summer Edition that is typically released after spring, which has also been confirmed for this year.

Three new releases in the first half of 2019. Looks like American store shelves will be colorful again! ((o(´∀`)o))

Red Bull Peach Edition and Pear Edition

On January 28, 2019, Red Bull released the Peach Edition and Sugar-Free Pear Edition nationwide in the United States.

Both the Peach Edition and the Pear Edition feature flavors that are rare for energy drinks.

In order to attract consumers beyond their existing energy drink base, Red Bull developed these new flavors. It seems both were designed with women in mind. Over the past few years, Red Bull and Monster have been engaged in a tight market share battle in the U.S., so it’s expected that Red Bull will continue to experiment with various initiatives moving forward.

As part of this effort, the 250ml cans of the Edition series will be sold individually in stores at the same time as the new flavors are launched (previously, they were sold in 4-can packs). The flavors available for individual sale are the Blue, Yellow, Green, and Coconut Editions, which are particularly popular.

(Up until 2015, the original Red, Blue, and Silver Editions were also 250ml. However, with the trend toward larger sizes and expanded flavor offerings, 355ml became the standard size. Refer to San Francisco 2015)

With the new smaller size, the price is more affordable than the 355ml cans, making it easier for people who have never tried them to sample various flavors.

Red Bull aims to eliminate negative perceptions of energy drinks, such as being "dangerous" or "too strong," and instead position them as stylish, approachable, and irresistibly delicious. This is a clever promotion targeted at those who have not yet tried Red Bull’s Edition series. I look forward to seeing more of Red Bull’s smart marketing this year.

2019 Summer Edition: Beach Breeze

Red Bull's Summer Edition in the U.S. is typically available nationwide by early May.

The 2019 Summer Edition will be released on April 29, and will be available in both 355ml and 250ml cans. This refreshing blue color is sure to stand out in the fridge (●´ω`●)

The new Red Bull releases for the first half of 2019 offer an interesting glimpse into the energy drink and soda landscape in the U.S. The Beach Breeze, in particular, has a design that makes you want to buy it just for the packaging. I’m really looking forward to it! ((o(´∀`)o))

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Author informationAuthor: Energy Drink-kun

In 2001, while living in the United States, I encountered energy drinks through the dance scene and was deeply impressed. After returning to Japan, I found that energy drinks were considered novelty beverages, so I established a comprehensive website in 2013 to share the true appeal of energy drinks. As an energy drink enthusiast, I began drinking them seriously again, collecting over 7,000 varieties of energy drinks from various countries. I am also active as a critic and expert, receiving media interviews.