
Sodium Benzoate

Posted on February 22, 2025|Last updated February 22, 2025

Sodium Benzoate as a Food Preservative

Sodium benzoate is found in substances like bamboo leaves and plums, and is used as a preservative in food products, including energy drinks.

Sodium benzoate is an additive that enhances preservation. It is different from sterilizing agents, which aim to kill microorganisms.

In addition to food, it is used as a preservative in pharmaceuticals and as a cosmetic preservative, where it inhibits the growth of various microorganisms. When added to food, it serves as a preservative to maintain consistent quality, ensuring that food and drinks remain safe to consume.

Sodium Benzoate's Transformation into Benzene

It was discovered that sodium benzoate reacts with vitamin C to form the carcinogenic substance benzene, which has been detected in low concentrations in some commercial products. In the UK, products exceeding the permissible level were recalled. However, sodium benzoate itself is not carcinogenic, and it remains a safe preservative.

Sodium benzoate is a globally used preservative, and it is not unique to energy drinks. It is found in many food and beverage products, and it should not be considered a dangerous preservative only in energy drinks.

Preservatives are Necessary

While preservatives are often vilified, it is actually harder to find processed foods that do not contain preservatives, and in modern society, it would be nearly impossible to live by eating only fresh food and drink without preservatives.

Preservatives are necessary to inhibit the growth of various bacteria, and without them, the growth of bacteria would accelerate in products. The reason we can safely consume and use items over longer periods is due to the preservation provided by these additives.

Although many online articles from weekly magazines claim that "preservatives, including sodium benzoate, are dangerous," it becomes clear that, when used properly and after thorough testing, they are not only safe but essential in our daily lives. If even a trace amount of sodium benzoate were harmful, it would have been banned worldwide by now.

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Author informationAuthor: Energy Drink-kun

In 2001, while living in the United States, I encountered energy drinks through the dance scene and was deeply impressed. After returning to Japan, I found that energy drinks were considered novelty beverages, so I established a comprehensive website in 2013 to share the true appeal of energy drinks. As an energy drink enthusiast, I began drinking them seriously again, collecting over 7,000 varieties of energy drinks from various countries. I am also active as a critic and expert, receiving media interviews.