Energy Drink Hashtag Project “The Best Tasting Energy Drink”.
I thought it would be fun to hold an energy drink hashtag event on Twitter, so I quickly organized the event.
I asked participants to tweet with the hashtags "#エナジードリンクマニア" (Energy Drink Maniacs) and "#最高に美味いエナジードリンク" (The Most Delicious Energy Drink), along with a picture of the most delicious energy drink they had ever tried.
The most important part of this event was to make it clear that anyone could easily join, whether the drink was domestic or international, as long as it was something they truly thought was delicious.
Recently, there have been more tweets from overseas, and I didn’t want people who might think, "I can’t keep up with those who are way ahead of me..." to hesitate and miss out. So, I tweeted that anyone who loves energy drinks should feel free to join, no matter where they're from.
At first, I didn’t expect it to get too big, and I thought it would just be a matter of the usual energy drink tweeters posting and retweeting each other's posts to get the word out.
However, it ended up being much more successful than I had anticipated, with so many energy drink enthusiasts joining in. This helped heat up the timeline even more, and the event kept growing and gaining momentum (*´艸`*)
Author: Energy Drink-kun
In 2001, while living in the United States, I encountered energy drinks through the dance scene and was deeply impressed. After returning to Japan, I found that energy drinks were considered novelty beverages, so I established a comprehensive website in 2013 to share the true appeal of energy drinks. As an energy drink enthusiast, I began drinking them seriously again, collecting over 7,000 varieties of energy drinks from various countries. I am also active as a critic and expert, receiving media interviews.
I Also Compiled It on Togetter!
I received the advice, "If you're going to do a hashtag event, why not compile it on Togetter the next day?" So, the day after the heated hashtag event, I compiled the tweets of "The Most Delicious Energy Drink."
▼ Which energy drink did the energy drink enthusiasts choose as the most delicious?
I thought it would be nice for those who participated in the hashtag event to have a more organized way to view it later, so I put it together. After compiling it, I realized once again the passion for each energy drink through things like how the photos were taken, the colors of the drinks in glasses, the can designs, and the reactions to drinking them.
Also, as I looked through the timeline, the excitement from the event came back, and I’m glad I asked, “Why don’t we try this event?” I’m also happy I took the time to summarize the results.
This compilation ended up being featured on the Togetter top page as a highlighted post, and I think it served as a small chance for the general public to learn about the energy drink enthusiasts and the various types of energy drinks out there.
Above all, I’m happy that the energy drink enthusiasts who joined the hashtag event enjoyed it. That’s the best part! I didn’t expect the timeline to catch fire with such an energy drink fever Σ(´∀`;)
I hope to have another hashtag event in the future, and if that happens, I’d love for those who couldn’t join this time to participate next time! ((o(´∀`)o))
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- Energy Drink Hashtag Project “The Best Tasting Energy Drink”.