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Energy Drink Hashtag Project 3: “Energy Drink Life in 2015”

Posted on July 4, 2016 | Last updated February 11, 2025

2015 was the year when I could really feel that more and more people on Twitter were becoming fans of energy drinks, and that the number of people who truly enjoy energy drinks was visibly increasing.

So, to summarize 2015, on December 30th of that year, I held a hashtag event called "#EnergyDrinkLife." The theme was a summary of 2015 and energy drink life.

Author informationAuthor: Energy Drink-kun

In 2001, while living in the United States, I encountered energy drinks through the dance scene and was deeply impressed. After returning to Japan, I found that energy drinks were considered novelty beverages, so I established a comprehensive website in 2013 to share the true appeal of energy drinks. As an energy drink enthusiast, I began drinking them seriously again, collecting over 7,000 varieties of energy drinks from various countries. I am also active as a critic and expert, receiving media interviews.

Energy Drink Life is a Huge Hit

Looking back now, the hashtag might seem pretty ordinary, but until then, while the term "Energy Drink Mania" was used frequently, "Energy Drink Life" was not something that was commonly used.

2015 was the year when energy drink enthusiasts were more excited about energy drinks than ever before, and the proportion of energy drinks in their lives had grown significantly. I think that’s why the term "Energy Drink Life" caught on.

Especially among the people who became really hooked, the hashtag continued to be used even after the event, and it grew into a staple hashtag among energy drink enthusiasts. As the organizer, I was really happy to see that (●´ω`●).

Unbelievable Number of Tweets! It Became the Most Exciting Hashtag Event

There were so many tweets that I lost track of how many I gathered, but I ended up compiling 198 pages worth of tweets.
The compiled article can be found here.

This is the highest number so far. I believe that in 2015, the popularity of energy drinks both domestically and internationally exploded, and the huge increase in the number of enthusiasts who responded sensitively to that also played a part.

At some point, the excitement was so great that we started thinking, "Could this trend even make it to Twitter's trending topics?" ((o(´∀`)o)).

There is Definitely an Increase in Energy Drink Fans

Every time I hold a hashtag event, I realize that more and more people who genuinely love energy drinks are joining in.

For some reason, in Japan, people tend to compare energy drinks to nutritional drinks, expect too much from them, or even view them as dangerous, and sometimes they are treated as a joke, which has made it a less enjoyable experience than it should be.

In such an environment, it was surprising to see this level of excitement, and every time we hold a hashtag event, I feel like the number of energy drink enthusiasts keeps growing, which makes every event so much fun.

By the time we hold the next event, there will likely be even more energy drink enthusiasts.