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Energy Drink Hashtag Project #4 "The Energy Drink Swamp"

Posted on July 6, 2016 | Last updated February 11, 2025

We held the fourth installment of our hashtag project!
This time, the theme was to tweet about how you first encountered energy drinks and what led you to get deeply involved in the "swamp."
With every event, the number of participants has been growing, and especially this time, the number of tweets has been amazing. For more details, we have summarized everything on Togetter, so please take a look at everyone's tweets from this event.

Author informationAuthor: Energy Drink-kun

In 2001, while living in the United States, I encountered energy drinks through the dance scene and was deeply impressed. After returning to Japan, I found that energy drinks were considered novelty beverages, so I established a comprehensive website in 2013 to share the true appeal of energy drinks. As an energy drink enthusiast, I began drinking them seriously again, collecting over 7,000 varieties of energy drinks from various countries. I am also active as a critic and expert, receiving media interviews.

The Timeline and Notifications Won't Stop!

I expected this, but once it passed 9 PM, when the event started, the timeline started moving at an incredible speed, and notifications kept going off nonstop. It was amazing every time, but this time, I immediately noticed how many tweets were being sent out. The momentum was something I'd never experienced before!

Later, I found out that several people got restricted for retweeting too much. This shows just how big the scale of this hashtag project had become. It's really heartwarming to see that so many people love energy drinks, and I think we're starting to create a great momentum.

Above all, it was so much fun!

We Wanted to Hear Everyone's Energy Drink Swamp Stories

The theme for this hashtag was '#エナジードリンク沼'. I was genuinely curious about how people first encountered energy drinks and what led them to get caught in the "energy drink swamp," so I chose this as the theme.

As I looked through the tweets, it seemed like many people got hooked on energy drinks because of the flavor or the stimulating effect. They started getting interested in other energy drinks, and some even got curious about ones from overseas, or started interacting with people on Twitter — all of this seemed to be the start of falling deeper into the energy drink swamp.

I was really happy to see some people say they got hooked because of my Twitter or website. It's nice to know that all the niche information I've been sharing over the years has been worth it. The world of energy drink enthusiasts is truly enjoyable.

The Twitter community has definitely deepened the swamp for many. There’s no other community like this where such niche enthusiasts gather.

Could It Trend!? The Momentum Was Incredible!

As everyone was tweeting about the energy drink swamp, they must have thought about the possibility of "trending." Since so many people got restricted, I started to genuinely wonder if we could make it to the trending list. Then, I saw the trending information on Twipple.

I don't know exactly how big of an accomplishment this is, but it's true that for a brief time, '#エナジードリンク沼' surged in tweets and ranked 7th. This is huge for such a niche and specific group of energy drink enthusiasts, and the timeline went wild. I thought we might just make it to the trending list if this momentum kept going ((o(´∀`)o)).

Unfortunately, it didn't trend. However, if we had managed to trend, it would have been a clear sign that the community of energy drink enthusiasts has grown massively! (Quite dramatic, I know lol)

Even after summarizing everything on Togetter, the editorial team picked it up on TwitTopic, and the access numbers and comments were higher than ever. It was a big response in many ways.

In the end, I think this hashtag project was a huge success. Thank you, everyone!

How Energy Drink Maniac Got Hooked on the Energy Drink Swamp

Just for fun, I'll share my own tweets about how I got into the energy drink swamp.

When we hold the next event, I think even more energy drink fans will join. Let’s aim for trending together with fellow enthusiasts next time! ((o(´∀`)o))